Cross-Linked Projects

Erasmus+ KA220-ADU

Creating upskilling pathways, improving accessibility and increasing take-up of adult education

PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035384

GREEN ANGELS project aims to generate a high-quality learning opportunity, incorporating the development of essential skills for self-entrepreneurship involving motivation and social inclusion activities. The GREEN ANGELS educational pathway aims to upskill low qualified and socially excluded migrants/BMEs and provide them with self-entrepreneurship competencies giving them the opportunity to fight against exclusion and marginalisation and enter the labour market.

Erasmus+ KA227-ADU

Building Pathways For Street-Art To Foster Inclusive Resilience And Enterprise Through Creativity

PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-FR01-KA227-ADU-095258

The St’Art Up project aims at using street art as a tool to combat social exclusion and isolation as well as stimulating active citizen participation and social entrepreneurship for members of the primary target group.

The St’Art Up project has the objective to develop a street-art pathway for young adults as key members of the target group. The pathway will enable them to express their feelings and thoughts as well as ideas and fears by gaining new creative/digital skills and self entrepreneurial knowledge.

European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI)

Social Innovation Plus – Competence Centres (SI Plus)


The SI Plus project aims at establishing national social innovation competence centres in Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovakia to support ESF+ managing authorities in planning and implementing subsidy programs for boosting social innovation. The project also supports social innovators in order to benefit the most from the targeted subsidy programs, and other competence centres by networking and knowledge exchange in order to help them be more effective in the above-mentioned fields.

To achieve the objectives of SI Plus, the project activities include the mapping of the national social innovation ecosystems and support structures in the partner countries. Based on the results of mapping and the experiences gained during the project implementation, national social innovation strategies are developed. Mutual learning and exchange of experiences are key elements of the project on the national and transnational level. Therefore local and international networking and knowledge sharing events, thematic network meetings and peer-learning meetings support the capacity building of the key actors of the national and European social innovation ecosystems. Furthermore, different country-specific activities and services like social innovation toolbox in Bulgaria and Austria, social innovation contest and award in Hungary, or an inventory of social innovation good practices in Slovakia support the flourishing of the sector on the national level.

Erasmus+ KA220-HED

InnoSocial. Mainstreaming Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education

PROJECT NUMBER: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000089820

The overall objective of the project is to facilitate mainstreaming of Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship education and training in universities’ curricula, thus promoting wider integration of the social dimension in the knowledge triangle practices implemented by higher education institutions. The specific aims: (1)Provide a comprehensive foundation for design and delivery of education in Inclusive Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (II&SE), (2) Contribute to a teaching and learning base in the field of II&SE, (3) Improve capacity of HEIs’ academic staff to design and deliver education in II&SE, (4) Raise awareness of the role of HEIs in promoting II&SE among key stakeholders

Erasmus+ KA3: Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education, training and youth

SEHUBS:Co-creating Hubs for Social Enterprises


The general purpose of the project is to elaborate an innovative model of co-creation hub for social enterprises that are working with various disadvantaged groups or for overcoming social issues in various fields (culture, sport, employment, etc.) and to test its practical application in different local contexts.

Social Enterprise (SE) hubs are operating as institutions for non-formal education and training that provide various types of support to management and operational staff of social enterprises with different social backgrounds. The beneficiaries of the SE hubs’ activities – the social enterprises (SEs) themselves have proven to be a good practice for ensuring social inclusion.

ERASMUS+ Alliances for Innovation - Sectoral Cooperation on Skills

Blueprint for Social Economy and Proximity Skills & Advanced Trainings Schemes Adaptable to diverse Social Economy Ecosystem in Europe (BASE)


The BASE project enables the knowledge share among higher education, vocational education and training with social economy actors who contribute to the ecosystemic growth. It addresses skills mismatches and provides new skills with regard to occupational profiles in the SE sector. As a result, employees and employers build greater resilience to unexpected challenges such as adjusting ways of working to pandemic times, using digital technology to their advantage and keeping the employees motivated and inspired during adversity. The key stakeholders the project involves include companies, education and training providers, research institutions, social partners as well as sector experts.